Bespoke Yoga

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Yoga is a compliment to anything you want to do or accomplish

Want to feel better about yourself? Want to be encouraged to move your body? Exercise without the pressure of a room full of strangers? Interested in cultivating more willpower? Care for a safe space to tune into yourself and shed some anxiety? Rid yourself of that tension in your neck, shoulders or low back…

YOGA. YOGA> YOGA-> YOGA—> YOGA—-> Say it with me, YOGA!!!

So bring Yourself along and relax

The most stable shape in nature is a triangle so save yourself some social anxiety and control who is in the room with you and know they’ve got your back. And hips, and sides…

We’ve got y’all! There’s only ever three of you ~ max/min

Because if you haven’t moved your body since high school or are carrying some extra weight, it can be daunting to get yourself to a class, and it doesn’t have to be

We think it matters that you to have a safe space to decompress

All the benefits of private yoga classes at a fraction of the cost…

While you’re shedding the days anxiety and stress, you’ll be receiving therapeutic adjustments from a 3000 hour trained Licensed Massage Therapist who has been teaching yoga since 2004.

Because it matters who works with you.

The best way to gather momentum when it comes to your yoga practice is to receive specialized and individual attention.

Which can get expensive, real quick.

Which is why a customized 60 minute class for you:

Gentle stretching; Relaxed body; No competition, just blessings.

Prepare yourself for quality sleep as you unwind from your day with a gentle and graceful yoga sequence, expertly guiding you deeper into your body.

Relax your low back, shoulders, neck, jaw… Wherever YOU decide.

If you’re seeking challenging sequences, postures or a sweaty class…

This class is not for you.

Many studios have options for you and we are happy to recommend some to you.

Feel free to begin here

If you’re serious about stress

Upgrade your class! ~ No Stress/ Guided Rest

A additional 30 minute guided relaxation from final resting pose that reduces anxiety and stress and consciously prepares you for a graceful transition to sleep.

Bring a blanket.

You’re worth it!


60 Minute Evening Unwind Yoga Session

  • $40/per person, $120/Per Class ~ Max/Min 3 persons

Additional 30 Minute No Stress/ Guided Rest

  • $ 8/per person, $24/ for add on

90 Minute Evening Unwind w/ No Stress/ Guided Rest

  • $ 48/Per Person, $144/Per Class

An important point:

Get in touch.